Saturday, 14 May 2011


Right at the back of my mind somewhere there is a positive thought that I know I'm going to acheive this. I know I will, because I have to. This time last year I was stuck in a very dead end job, one that was doing my self esteem no good. I went for 9 interviews. None were meant to be.

A year later I have a very different job, pays a little more, totally new sector, meet loads of people, overtime is regular. But last Summer I couldn't see a way out. So come Summer 2012 I will able to look at this post and see how far I've come.

I have been worrying this week, and felt a couple of panicky moments. But I'm not going to worry anymore. It seeps into your general well being, the children pick up on it. (I say children, I'm the shortest in the house...)  But if I'm happy, they are happy. Ripple effect.

I did have progress bars and a nice new template on my blog, but it looks like someone had access to a Back Button during the outage and they've gone :(

On the ebay/Amazon front I have two book sales and a game sale under my belt so that's an extra £10 flying towards my account.

On the food grocery budget I am having a great time finding loads of websites with some great foodie ideas. Stuck in a rut with our current repetitive menus. Think food could be the subject for next post.


  1. That outage also had an effect on me. Just glad to be back in operation.

    You are right, don't worry no more. It's ok when you are planning but never let it take the forefront. Always focus on your plan.

    And the ripple effect is awesome. It works great when you smile too :)

  2. Hi, I came across your site and wasn’t able to get an email address to contact you about a broken link on your site. Please email me back and I would be happy to point them out to you.


    Aaron Grey
