Wednesday, 4 May 2011

And Breathe...

Well made the call, and as you all said it was 100 times worse in my mind, the rep was helpful and gave me a number of options. So I can breathe on that one.

Fired up by a positive outcome I built myself a beautiful spreadsheet, an honest budgeting piece if work.
I have to admit over the past few days I've been wondering if a DMP would have been a way out from this financial mess, but changed my mind after reading of charging orders and court appearances. Plus from January next year the loan will be gone and I will have a whole new set of figures to play with. After everything has come and gone I am £2.54 a month overspending, I can make that up.

Now on another subject I see a lot of talk on PF blogs about coupons and vouchers. Never really investigated this. But now I will, it's just pure laziness. There are a couple of UK sites that have printable vouchers but I'm sure there are more if I dig a bit deeper.

One example of my laziness in this area; the local supermarket has a car park voucher scheme, once you pay to park you get the money off your shop at the checkout with the little voucher on the parking ticket. How many of these little ticket stubs are lying around in my car ? Probably 30. So that's around £12...

Just lazy.


  1. Being aware of the little things that have been slipping through the cracks is half the battle. Now it becomes a game to see how much you can save and where. Congrats on making the call. I know what it takes to pick up the phone! Good job.


  2. Great job on making the call and the budget! You are doing great!

  3. It's all good. Keep on trucking!

  4. good on you!! well done with the call and the spreadsheet!
