Thank you for the welcome fellow PF'ers :)
The trouble with this in the red business is that it can invade your whole life. I have to tell myself it doesn't define me. I'm not walking around with a big red 'In Debt' sign slapped across my forehead. Sometimes it feels like it. Stops me doing things.
When this is all done, and present calculations indicate just under 4 years, I'm looking forward to being able to just be. There is a real sense of freedom about being debt free, but it's so long since I've had that feeling it's going to be amazing when I get there !
So what other gruesome debts do I have to tell you about. I have one card that interest rate is...37% ! Have had this card for over 10 years and I owe £8,111.56. This is the card that really got me in to trouble. Started off as 0% balance transfer offer some time last century. Slowly but surely everything increased, interest rate, credit limit and of course the balance. At one point I owed a massive £10k on it. This is my focus.
So I need some progress bars, because I'm going to smother this card, every spare penny I have is going to be thrown at it. This card needs a witty nickname...
Off to find some gadgets....
Wow, 37%! Any chance of refinancing this debt elsewhere at a more reasonable rate?